MUST partners with Handong Global University in South Korea

MUST has a new partnership with Handong Global University (HGU) in South Korea that was formalized through an MoU signing ceremony held at MUST’s Kihumuro campus on 8th July 2024. The partnership is aimed at promoting academic cooperation, research collaboration and student exchange between the two institutions. The institutional partnership is designed to facilitate mutual understanding, knowledge sharing and capacity building between the two institutions. It will provide opportunities for students, faculty and staff to engage in collaborative research and innovative projects, exchange programs, curriculum and capacity building engagements. The partnership will also enable the sharing of expertise, resources and best practices in various fields such as ICT, life sciences, engineering, agriculture and business.

Speaking during the signing ceremony, Assoc. Prof. Charles Tushabomwe – Kazooba representing the Vice Chancellor emphasized the importance of international partnerships in promoting academic excellence and global competitiveness. He appreciated the Faculty of Computing and Informatics (FCI) that initiated the partnership led by Dr. Richard Kimera (a recent PhD graduate in Natural Language Processing-NLP from HGU) and Dr. Evarist Nabaasa, the FCI Dean, assisted by both Dr. Kalungi Dickson, Senior Assistant Registrar and Sheila Niinye Twinamatsiko the International Relations officer at MUST.  Leading the HGU delegation of staff and students, Prof. Hangsup Yoon expressed his delight at the new partnership that he believes will benefit both students and faculty. He noted that they look forward to working together with MUST to promote both institutions.

Standing: Dr. Evarist Nabaasa the Dean FCI giving a presentation during meeting 

The signing of this partnership marks an exciting new chapter in the history of MUST and HGU. This partnership is expected to have a positive impact on both institutions and contribute to the growth of academic excellence in Uganda and South Korea.

Succeed we must!

Check out the event’s photo gallery via this link