MUST- Epicentre Mbarara TB Research Dissemination workshop

Epicentre Mbarara Research centre a research hub situated within Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST) organized a 2-day TB Dissemination workshop to address TB diagnostics and therapeutics gaps in low-income countries.

This was held at hotel triangle Mbarara from June 30 July 1, 2022. Delegates present were from the Ministry of Health, World Health Organization (WHO), Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF), Makerere University College of Health Sciences, Institute of Research for Development (IRD) Epicentre headquarters in France and researchers from different countries.

The Vice Chancellor Prof. Celestino Obua emphasized the need for research to better understand TB. He recommended that instead of concentrating on finding a cure, research should focus more on disease transmission and prevention. Prof Obua also highlighted the need to involve social scientists in the process of addressing challenges of TB prevention.

The Director of Epicentre Mbarara Research Centre Assoc. Prof.   Juliet Mwanga Amumpaire briefed the audience about the achievements of epicentre throughout the years it has been in Uganda.

‘’In order to support Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) in carrying out its medical humanitarian efforts in vulnerable populations around the world, Epicentre, an international research organization with its headquarters in Paris, France, has been conducting high-quality studies for over 30 years. As a way of assisting MSF’s regional sleeping sickness programme, researchers from Epicentre traveled to Uganda in 1995. The Mbarara research center was founded in 1999. Since then, Epicentre has collaborated with several partners on numerous studies, but one of the most important is MUST where the Epicentre research facility is based,’’ said Prof. Mwanga

Dr. Henry Luzze Ag Assistant Commissioner – National TB & Leprosy Program (NTLP)

He gave an overview of the Landscape of Tuberculosis disease in Uganda: Gaps for research. Dr. Henry shared the following:

The NTLP Goal: To reduce TB incidence by 20% from 200 to 160/100,000 population and the proportion of Leprosy notifications in children from 8% to less than 3% by 2024/2025.

Thematic gaps: 20% of TB patients diagnosed and not started on treatment. Only 87% Notified TB patients are successfully treated. Treatment success rate for Drug resistant TB is only 64

During the first day of the conference, 13 researchers from the above mentioned institutions presented their research papers on TB diagnostic, model of care to increase pediatric TB detection and reduction in the disease burden. these were moderated by Dr. Francis Bajunirwe (MUST), Dr. Elias Kumbakumba (MUST), Dr. Eric Wobudeya (Mulago National Referral Hospital) and Dr. Achilles Katamba (Makerere School of Health sciences),

The second day of the conference continued with presentation of research findings from two researchers on TB chemotherapeutics under the moderation of Dr. Evelyn Tibanauka (WHO representative) and Prof Yap Boum (Epicentre Africa).

The Vice Chancellor Prof. Celestino Obua

There was also a panel discussion intended to share ideas on perspectives and challenges in TB. The panel comprised of Dr. Carolina Jimenez (MSF), Dr. Henry Luzze (Asst. Commissioner Ministry of Health), Dr. Elias Kumbakumba, Dr.Achilles Katamba and Dr.Maryline Bonnet.

The panelists and all the partners were appreciated by the Epicentre General Director Dr. Emmanuel Baron who applauded their good work in the fight against TB worldwide.

While giving the closing remarks, Dr. Patrick Tusiime the Commissioner in charge of NCDs in the Ministry of Health who represented Dr. Henry Mwebesa credited Epicentre and its partners for the services they’re extending to the communities particularly in the prevention of TB which is still a health problem in Uganda.

R-L Dr. Henry Luzze (Asst. Commissioner Ministry of Health), Dr. Carolina Jimenez; Deputy Medical Director Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), France Dr. Maryline Bonnet; Research Director; Institute of Research for Development (IRD), France.  Prof Yap Boum Regional representative for Epicentre in Africa . Dr. Elias Kumbakumba,( Senior Pediatrician and Researcher MUST   Dr.Achilles Katamba – senior Lecturer in the Department of Medicine, College of Health Sciences at Makerere University, Kampala.