CITT gets a new Board: Strengthening the MUST Innovation Ecosystem

On 26th September 2023, the mood in Kihumuro was distinctly expectant as the Board members of Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer (CITT) took oath for their new Term of Service. The new CITT Board is chaired by Prof. Nixon Kamukama and is includes all Faculty Deans, the Academic Registrar, Dr. Stephen Asiimwe the Programme Director of Global Health Collaborative (GHC), Mbarara University of Science and Technology, – the MUST Legal officer; Mr. Mugumya Timothy Esq. and the Director of CITT; Dr. Medard Twinamatsiko, took oaths of allegiance and secrecy to serve and steer CITT to greater horizons during their new term of service. The CITT Board is the body that gives overall governance of CITT on behalf of the University Council.

The Director; Dr. Medard Twinamatsiko, takes an oath

The oaths of allegiance and secrecy were administered by His Worship Nsibambi Lwanga Commissioner of oaths and Magistrate of the Mbarara City Court. His Worship Nsibambi Lwanga started by sensitizing the members of the CITT Board on the importance of the oaths and then administered the oaths. The members first took the oath of allegiance and then took the oath of secrecy to protect all the discussions of the Board and the innovators.

The Board Members during deliberations

Following the Oath administration, the Board Members converged in the PHARMBIOTRAC Boardroom to discuss the Board’s business. Key on the agenda was the establishment of the MUST holdings limited, review and implementation of the intellectual property policy, coordination of all innovation hubs and creating an enabling ground for innovators and investors to thrive.

The new CITT Board Members are;

Prof Nixon Kamukama – Chairperson

Dr. Martha Kyoshaba – Member

Dr. Johnes Obungoloch – Member

Dr. Joseph Ngonzi – Member

Prof. Julius Lejju – Member

Dr. Evarist Nabaasa – Member

Dr. Fredrick Nsambu Kijjambu – Member

Dr. Rogers Bariyo – Member

Dr. Steven Asiimwe – Member

Mr. Timothy Mugumya- Member

Dr. Medard Twinamatsiko – Secretary to the Board

Dr. William Wasswa – Assistant Secretary to the Board


We congratulate the new Board members and wish them fruitful success in their reign.