A Legacy of Service at MUST:A Farewell to outstanding Surgeons

On June 27,2024, the Department of Surgery at MUST held an evening gathering to honor the work of Prof. David Kitya, who was officially retiring from service, and Prof. Carlos Manuel Cabreta Dreque from Cuba, who had served MUST for a period of eight years.

Prof. Carlos’s Service at MUST

Prof. Carlos Manuel Cabreta Dreque served MUST under the government partnership between Uganda and Cuba. He served as a general surgeon and participated in mentorship, innovations, and research while at MUST for 8 years
Professor Kitya’s Extensive Experience

Prof. Kitya’s extensive experience spans over three decades, primarily with Mbarara University of Science and Technology and Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital. He also has experience at Mulago Hospital, Kenyan hospitals including Kenyatta National and Tenwek Mission Hospital, and Ege University Hospital’s Spine Section.
Professor Kitya’s Leadership and Service: Professor Kitya’s leadership roles include serving as Acting Head of Department from 2000 to 2021, playing a pioneering role in establishing neurosurgery programs at MUST and in the region, and leading the region’s neurosurgery efforts since 2012. He is also the current Chair of the Neurosurgical Society of Uganda and played a key role in starting the COSECSA Neurosurgery program. An MMed Surgery program is also underway.

Dr. Marvin Mwesigwa did a fantastic job as the MC for your evening dinner! His background in urology combined with his sense of humor and intelligence, certainly made the event a success with all the jokes aligned with surgeons

Dr. Felix Oyania
Dr. Edgar Atwiine on behalf of the residents

Speeches and Remarks
On behalf of the organizing committee, Dr. Felix Oyania a pediatric surgeon expressed his gratitude to his colleagues for attending the evening event. He acknowledged their support in making it a success. Dr. Felix then extended his special thanks to Professors Kitya and Carlos for their dedication to mentoring the country’s finest surgeons. Finally, he encouraged the guests to enjoy the evening without restrictions, as long as they reported to work on time the following day.
On behalf of the department residents, Dr. Edgar Atwiine expressed his deepest appreciation for the mentorship provided by Professors Kitya and Carlos. He highlighted specific qualities each professor instilled in them.
Dr. Atwiine lauded Professor Kitya’s strict adherence to time management, quoting him as saying, “A minute lost by a surgeon can cost a life, and no one wants to be responsible for that.” He further emphasized Professor Kitya’s emphasis on prayer before surgery, acknowledging the importance of a higher power in their work.

For Professor Carlos, Dr. Atwiine praised his tireless work ethic. “The operating room walls can testify to his dedication,” he said, “working from morning to evening.” He also credited Professor Carlos with instilling the importance of meticulous surgical technique.
Dr. David Mutiibwa, a former head of department and a senior surgeon was grateful to Professors Kitya and Carlos for the service rendered to MUST. . Dr. Mutiibwa said “as a former head of department, I had the distinct pleasure of witnessing firsthand the incredible impact you both had on our students.” Dr. Mutiibwa specifically thanked the professors for their “dedication to mentorship and fostering a love for medicine,” particularly in their respective fields of neurosurgery and general surgery. He added that their work has “undoubtedly shaped countless careers and positively impacted countless lives across Uganda.”
Dr. Mutiibwa concluded his message by expressing his appreciation to the event organizers and thanking Professors Kitya and Carlos for their commitment to the surgery department and wished them the best of luck in their next jounary as surgeons they look at in admiration The Head of the Department thanked the two professors for their tremendous work, especially in mentoring students and serving Ugandans.
In his remarks, the Hospital Director MRRH, Dr. Deus Twesigye, thanked the MUST administration for the partnership with the Cuban embassy that brought Prof. Carlos to MUST. He added that Prof. Carlos’s service to Ugandans will forever be remembered dearly.

Kodak moment
Referring to Prof. Kitya, Dr. Deus Twesigye the hospital director and a general surgeon called him a “rare find, a limited edition.” He said Prof. Kitya has saved many people with head traumas, especially those involved in accidents and other neurological complications. He congratulated him on ending his term of service as a professor of Neurosurgery but expressed his gratitude that Prof. Kitya would be staying to serve Mbarara and the region as a whole.

Dr. Deus Twesigye
Dr. Mutiibwa
Dr. Kisitu Daniel

The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Joseph Ngonzi (Associate Professor), thanked the two professors for their great work in mentoring medical students. “You have been an inspiration to many, starting with me,” he said. “Your hard work has brought us partnerships that have brought the Department of Surgery to a state-of-the-art facility.” He gave examples of the operating rooms that came in from supporters of Bethesda Children’s Hospital and DGNN. He commended them for their teamwork and zeal to serve under challenging circumstances
Professor Kitya’s Farewell Speech
“Good evening everyone. Standing here tonight, filled with gratitude for all the kind words, it is hard to believe this journey has come to an official end. It is been an honor to serve alongside such dedicated colleagues and witness the growth of brilliant students at MUST. From my early days at Nakayisijja Primary School to MUST, the pursuit of knowledge and service has been my guiding light.
Together, we have navigated challenges, celebrated breakthroughs, and established a strong foundation for neurosurgery in this region. It fills me with immense pride. While I may be stepping down as a professor, my commitment to this community does not end here. I look forward to finding new ways to contribute and support the future generation of surgeons. Thank you for everything, and remember, the greatest reward lies in the lives we touch.”

Dr. Joseph Ngonzi (Assoc.Prof)
Prof. David Kitya
Prof. Carlos Manuel

Professor Carlos Manuel Cabreta Dreque’s Farewell Speech
“Esta noche” (This evening), “me siento profundamente agradecido” (I feel deeply grateful) for the opportunity to serve at MUST these past eight years. Working alongside such talented professionals and witnessing the passion of Ugandan students has been a privilege. The partnership between Cuba and Uganda has fostered a beautiful exchange of knowledge, and I am confident this will continue to flourish.
Though my time here is coming to an end, the friendships forged and the lessons learned will remain with me forever. “Les deseo lo mejor” (I wish you all the best) in your future endeavors, and remember, the pursuit of healing knows no borders. Keep striving for excellence, and may t he spirit of collaboration continue to guide you.”

The two professors received an accolade each in memory of MUST and the gratitude from their service


The surgeons on table
As the night drew to a close, a sense of deep appreciation filled allover the place as colleagues and students shared personal stories about the impact the two professors had on their lives. Prof. Kitya, touched by the tributes, expressed his commitment to continue serving the community in some capacity. Prof. Carlos, overwhelmed by the affection, promised to stay connected and visit whenever possible. The department looked forward to a new chapter, forever indebted to the foundation laid by these remarkable surgeons.